
I see, I see - what you see! And that's a good thing!

Because that's the only way you can be sure that your target audience is looking at what's important to you.

At the Pilot Center for User & Consumer Research (UCR), we offer you research tools that help you optimise your marketing, refine your teaching materials, perfect your customer communication and sharpen your research findings. Our staff at the Pilot Centre User & Consumer Research (UCR) have many years of experience in the field of focus group discussion, as well as in multi-channel biometric research, eye tracking, sensor technology and communication research.

A focus group is a moderated discussion group in which 8-12 customers, consumers are openly asked about their opinions, wishes and suggestions on a certain topic and exchange ideas. In this way, new ideas for e.g. products, product concepts or advertising messages can be developed. This is particularly useful when clients or researchers know little about attitudes to a particular topic or product, or to generate questions for a quantitative survey.

A modern audio and video system enables recording and subsequent scientifically sound evaluation and analysis of the data.

It can therefore be said that a focus group discussion gives clients a first impression of how their product or service is perceived by customers and what can be done to improve the image of a product or service.

Eye-tracking, galvanic skin response and automatic facial expression analysis provide data that give direct information about the perception of visual material. Eye tracking can be used to analyse the eye movements of test persons. This makes it possible to recognise which aspects on websites, apps, in commercials or magazines receive a lot of attention. This can be used to better design websites/apps or marketing materials.

With the help of Galvanic Skin Response or automatic facial expression analysis, you can check how emotionally appealing certain content is. In Galvanic Skin Response, the so-called "shimmer" is applied to the hands of the test persons. This measures the perspiration on the fingers. In this way, it is possible to determine that test persons react to content unconsciously. These instruments provide objective data on how appealing certain content is.

Automatic facial expression analysis records the subjects' facial expressions when viewing content. The system recognises 7 basic emotions, such as joy or disgust. The face is filmed with the webcam during a study and analysed with algorithms. In website analyses, for example, "frowning" can be used to indicate that desired information cannot be found or that certain details were unclear.

These 3 methods can be used in studies in combination or separately.

Sensory analysis is particularly important in the Master's programme "International Wine Marketing" in the context of tastings for researching the effect of wines. Such investigations are also interesting for wine producers and the wine trade. For example, a team from the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland investigated the sensory characteristics of sparkling wine and which regional differences and preferences exist for this. burgenland.

The construction of the Productive Work Laboratory as an experimental creativity and communication space enables systematic experiments on the effect of different spatial design, furniture and technical equipment on productivity in the context of the everyday work of a university. State-of-the-art lighting and sound systems have been installed to create different situations. In addition, companies, non-profit organisations and parts of the public administration in the region can test the design of open workspaces experimentally before implementation.

The research tools of the U C R improve your market presence and support you in your research and teaching. Submissions for research funding can be designed and offered in an interdisciplinary way. Students can choose different approaches to solving research tasks, teachers can refine their didactic approaches and external stakeholders have the opportunity to optimise their marketing.

On the road to success with EyeTracking!

Students of the Bachelor's degree programme International Economic Relations support St. Anna Children's Cancer Research with an eye tracking study to optimise their website.

In this way, St. Anna Children's Cancer Research is able to draw even more attention to itself and thus generate more donations.

Honigmacher Tötschinger also relies on EyeTracking. He worked with a group of students from the Master's programme in International Economic Relations, who showed him scientifically what customers really look at on his homepage.


If you are interested in research or project cooperation, please contact our senior researcher at the department: