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In the department, a large proportion of the people with teaching responsibilities are involved in research projects. This varies depending on the funding track and time resources. Depending on their personal thematic focus and network of academic and business-related organisations, the staff members work in national or international funding projects (e.g. FFG, Horizon 2020, INTERREG). In addition, research projects are initiated jointly and with local business partners.
The involvement of students in research projects of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland or Research Burgenland is fundamentally anchored in the institutional research strategy. An essential goal of the research activities of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland is thus in education: research-led teaching increases the quality of education at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. Teachers and students thus benefit equally through participation in research projects. In the course of their practice-oriented education, students are given the opportunity to work on practical projects as part of their Bachelor's or Master's theses. The creation of a "researching basic attitude" is achieved in this way. The foundations for joint projects with potential future employers of graduates are laid.