Service for University Lecturers

Centre for Innovative Teaching

The Instructional Design Unit and the Centre for Innovative Teaching (CiL) are your central points of contact for the strategic further development of innovative teaching methods at our university of applied sciences.

We are your partner for effective and to make modern teaching effective. From conception to implementation, we offer a wide range of services to support you in your role as a teacher. Our services include a variety of service media as well as information events where we inform you about current trends and methods. In addition, we regularly participate in professional events to stay up-to-date and integrate the latest teaching methods into our work.

In close cooperation with those responsible for the various departments, we coordinate and consolidate the further development of our Moodle learning platform. In addition, we create and maintain a variety of support media, including video tutorials, guides, Moodle sample courses and FAQs.

The Centre for Innovative Teaching is also available to help you with technical or methodological questions about Moodle. In addition, we offer expert support for methodological-didactic challenges. Our work includes analysing, testing and documenting Moodle functions and enhancements. We also integrate technical and methodological developments for teaching, such as the Safe Exam Browser.

We look forward to supporting you in the introduction and implementation of innovative teaching methods and to jointly promoting the quality of teaching at our university of applied sciences.

To the blog

Athena Certification Programme

What makes the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland special? How can teaching be made even more exciting and how can teachers be further strengthened? Or: What do "gender & diversity" mean in didactics? - The newly developed ATHENA programme at UAS Burgenland provides valuable answers to these questions. It is designed to support teachers in planning, preparing and implementing their work in the lecture hall, in the laboratory, in online teaching or in supervising scientific theses.

ATHENA is aimed at all full-time and part-time lecturers at the UAS Burgenland and guest lecturers.
It is divided into a basic programme, extended didactic modules as well as subject-specific and personality-promoting
parts. The various modules are offered in the form of blended learning (presence and e-learning). The
proportions of the presence and e-learning phases depend on the content and can be up to 100 percent.

The programme is organised by the Burgenland Academy.


ATHENA AI Certificate

The ATHENA AI certification is divided into a basic and an advanced programme with a total of 10 modules dealing with artificial intelligence and how to use it. Participants acquire in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals, methods and applications of AI, enabling them to develop innovative teaching methods and materials and use AI in their respective subject areas. The various modules are offered as synchronous online seminars.

AI modules extract (pdf)

Facts about the programme


Basic certification
Advanced certification

Organisational form

Presence and e-learning

Seminar location

7000 Eisenstadt, Campus 1
7423 Pinkafeld, Steinamangerstraße 21

Language of presentation


Course price

No fees for full-time and
part-time teachers of the UAS Burgenland
€ 500 per module for guest students

Fulbright-University of Applied Sciences Burgenland Visiting Professor

Type: Jointly Sponsored Grants
Grant Deadline: 15 September 2021
Grant Length: 4 months
Starting Date: October 2022 or March 2023 (orientation in late September/February)

This award is a flexible combination of teaching and research activities that entails teaching a minimum of two class sessions (90 minutes each) per week in one of the master programmes offered at the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Burgenland in the field of sustainable energy systems, energy and environmental management, or building technology and management. Grant-related activities may also include advising or supervising advanced students as well as developing joint research projects with faculty. The format and content of individual courses and research objectives are negotiated on a consensual basis with the host institution, contingent upon its needs and the grantee's interests and expertise.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Management is seeking individuals that are also open to making an active contribution to the research conducted at the department as well as to publishing jointly written research papers. Sustainability is the overriding focus of the research activities of the Department of Energy and Environmental Management. On this basis, grant activities can be twofold: on the one hand, they may relate to the area of sustainable buildings or, on the other, to the area of sustainable energy supply for rural regions. Both topics are not only understood in technical terms but also include social and economic issues in a genuinely interdisciplinary approach.

Grant activities involving sustainable buildings can evolve towards both high-tech buildings and low-tech buildings. Ideally, the activities in the field of energy supply are related to the topics of solar energy and wind energy, including the associated issues of energy storage, and the topic of hydrogen as an energy carrier.