The library is open to the public and its use is governed by the following regulations.

  • Students, graduates and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland.
  • The student ID card is automatically activated as a library card.
  • At the Eisenstadt site, anyone can apply for a library card by presenting a valid photo ID and completing this form.
  • The opening hours at the Eisenstadt site are Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 17:00, Friday 8:00 to 17:00 and Saturday from 8:00 to 14:00. The Pinkafeld site is open Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm and Saturday from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. Please refer to our homepage for current changes (e.g. public holidays, school holidays...).
  • Outside opening hours, you can return books to our book return boxes in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld!
  • In principle, all librarians are available to answer your questions - after all, that's what we're here for. So please do not hesitate to contact us. General e-mail enquiries are best sent to our general address bibliothek(at)fh-burgenland.at.
  • Even though we can all do everything ;-), there are certain areas in which we specialise:
    • Andreas Hepperger: collection development, e-resources, online catalogue (search engine), management
    • David Piniel: Borrowing, interlibrary loan, cataloguing, library cards
    • Dajana Roß-Behr: Collection development, e-resources, information services, deputy head
    • Elisabeth Gstöttenmeier: Pinkafeld site
  • This question can be answered with a search in the search engine: http: //fhb.summon.serialssolutions.com/ (here, in addition to the printed collection, our electronic resources are also searched, i.e. articles, e-books, etc.).
  • If you cannot find what you are looking for there, we can obtain almost any book by purchase or interlibrary loan, simply contact the library team at bibliothek(at)fh-burgenland.at

At the Eisenstadt site we use the RVK (= Regensburger Verbundklassifikation) as our cataloguing system. Structure of an RVK signature:

10/AN 96000 D835(2)+2

10/ means that the book is shelved in the open access area

AN 96000 stands for information transfer, general information planning

D835 stands for the alphabetical categorisation within the subject area

(2) indicates the 2nd edition

+2 indicates that this is the 2nd copy

Search for the desired work in the

Austrian Union Catalogue

Send the union ID number (begins with AC... and can be found under Details) with your name and degree programme to bibliothek[at]hochschule-burgenland.at

If you need a work that is not available in Austria, search in the

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue

Send the most precise information possible (author, title, publisher, year and ISBN) with your name and degree programme to bibliothek[at]hochschule-burgenland.at

Interlibrary loan fees:

Books that can be obtained in Austria: EUR 2 per book

Books that have to be obtained from abroad: from EUR 4 per book (the costs are determined by the respective libraries and therefore vary).

This service is only available to members of UAS Burgenland!